The Buying Time Podcast: The Next Five Episodes
The Buying Time Podcast continues to provide you with the latest news, insights, and developments in longevity.
Hosted by Liz Parrish and Saravanan Balakrishnan, The Buying Time Podcast features interviews with leading longevity experts, including Bill Andrews, Aubrey de Grey, and Dr. Sandra Kaufmann.
If you missed the first five episodes, don’t fret!
You can find them all here.
More good news: along with YouTube, The Buying Time Podcast is now on Audible and Spotify!
#10 Dr. Hertoghe on Oxytocin, Growth Hormone, Testosterone, Thyroid Health, and More | The Buying Time Podcast
In this episode, Saravanan and Liz Parrish interview Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, a world-renowned Belgian physician and fourth-generation doctor specializing in optimizing hormone health.
They discuss a wide range of topics related to hormone health, including the importance of thyroid optimization, the role of testosterone in super-longevity, the benefits of growth hormone therapy, the link between cortisol and mental health, how oxytocin affects your heart, and hormone therapy’s relationship to mental health disorders.
Dr. Hertoghe also shares insights on how to optimize your hormones for a longer, healthier life.
Listen on Audible.
Ep#06 Mahesh Karande: mRNA Gene Editing, Medicine of the Future
We are proud to introduce Mahesh Karande, CEO of Omega Therapeutics.
This McKinsey & Company alumnus will have a massive impact on our lives.
Omega uses mRNA to epigenomically control genes to treat disease. this Technology can (and likely will) be leveraged to address the aging process.
Omega’s solutions are undergoing an FDA trial, and the company is already worth 400 milion dollars!
Watch this episode to understand what programmable epigenomic mRNA medicines are, how they can benefit you, and what their advantages over other therapies.
Listen on Audible.
Ep#09 Starting a Global Community for Super-Longevity
The Buying Time Podcast is hosted by two people who are passionate about super-longevity.
The podcast covers a wide range of topics:
- What is aging?
- Why should people in their 50s change their plans for the next 30 years?
- What is holding back innovation in health and longevity?
- Why is it okay if your last 30 years were wasted?
Listen on Audible.
Ep#08 Dr. Amy Killen: Sexponential Medicine for Longevity
When we talk about living longer, most people ask if sex will be a part of the package.
While many argue that sex loses relevance beyond a point, Dr. Amy B. Killen explains that for many people, sex goes beyond the physical.
Dr. Killen is a board-certified emergency physician (ER) who moved to anti-aging medicine.
Dr. Killen and her colleague, Dr. Harry Adelson, pioneered the Full Body Stem Cell Makeover.
Regeneration is a word you will hear more of going forward, as advances in science, technology and medicine are increasing lifespans around the world.
The prospect of greatly extended lifespans is pushing us to find solutions to problems once accepted as parts of ageing — erectile dysfunction in men, struggle to achieve an orgasm in women, and loss of libido.
Dr. Killen’s insights are meant to give you an idea of what you need to do to enjoy a good sexual life after 50.
Listen on Audible.
Ep#07 Dr. Jose Luis Cordeiro: The Death of Death
Jose Cordeiro, a renowned futurist, economist, and transhumanist, is dedicated to fighting death.
In this episode of the Buying Time Podcast, Cordeiro talks about his work in longevity research and his new book, The Death of Death.
He also discusses the Turing Test, the future of AI, and immortality.
Cordeiro is optimistic about the future of longevity, and he believes the next 20 years will see more technological advances than the last 2000 years.
Listen on Audible.